Conditions of Purchase & Collaborations of Mechanical Bulls/ Multi Rides/ Mechanical Arts
Made in Italy by Show Games Italy & USA
Made in Italy by Show Games Italy & USA
When buyer/ customers/ distributors buy and pay Show Games products, accept and confirm to this World Wide Conditions of Purchase and Collaborations for all Show Games products, Show Games Brand standards and politics (property of M.Art Technology/ Show Games Italy and Erika Tessarolo).
Mechanical Bulls, Simulators, Action Games, Multi-Rides & Mechanical Arts made by Show Games, only the properties M.Art Technology, Show Games Italy, Erika Tessarolo and her family it is legally authorized for: tests – maintenance – modifications – productions- creations – release of documents – transfer of document of sale of all Show Games brand machine.
When the buyer/ customers buy or make a contract collaboration with Show Games or third parties for one or more product by Show Games (mechanical Bull, mechanical multi rides, mechanical rodeo bulls mechanical Arts, mechanical customs design and more ..), the costumers accept also the fact that they can’t sell the products purchased in the following countries: China, Japan, Korea and East Countries, Brasil and Latin America.
This is also applied to any of the Customer/ Collaborator/ Reseller who do not directly buy from Show Games. If this was not respected, the customer will pay a damage to Erika Tessarolo for a penalty value which starts from € 1,000,000.00 to € 6,000,000.00 million for each product sold that doesn’t respect this conditions.
Anyway nobody: buyer, customers, not customers, third parties and more can’t open, copy, try to disassembly or change some parts or totally parts of Show Games Products: all rights reserved to Erika Art Designer, Show Games do not transmit to third parties information or design protected from copyright and intellectual property idea.
• Only Show Games company can decide the amount of the penalty which has to be eventually paid by the customer; the customer agrees to pay what Show Games would decided. No authorities can oppose the decision by Show Games company; the decision is finalized and unquestionable, when customer buy a product, accept all conditions imposed by M.Art Technology and Show Games.
• The buyer/customer which has purchased a Show Games product, can’t sell the Show Games products in Amusement Parks all over the world like example: Disneyland Orland, Busch Garden, Six Flags, Disneyland Paris, Gardaland (IT), Mirabilandia (IT) , Etnaland (IT), Rainbow Magic Land (IT), Acqua Fan (IT), Acqua splash (IT), Universal Studios (orlando), Gardaland Water park (IT) Busch Gardens USA, Six Flags Group and many more Amusement Parks and Indoor Parks . The exclusive is only for the Show Games Italy, Erika Tessarolo and her family all over the World.
If doesn’t respect this, the customer will pay a damage to Erika Tessarolo for a penalty value which starts from € 1,000,000.00 to € 6,000,000.00 million for each product sold without respecting the conditions.
.Only Show Games company can decide the amount of the penalty which has to be paid: the customer agrees to pay what Show Games would have decided. No authorities can oppose the decision by Show Games company; the decision is finalized and unquestionable.
• Who don’t respect Show games rules, with the obligation of maintenance and annual test with the only authorized ( M.Art Technology/ Show Games) or try to copy Show Games products or documents on Italian territory, Show Games make Report to the competent authorities of the country, about the dangerous and illegal product used not in line with the respect of all conditions and limitation, to protect and safeguard the safety of Users and Show Games and corporate image of the M.Art Technology) Show Games and Erika Tessarolo and her family.
- The buyer/customer is aware of the fact that the two or five or ten years guarantee does not include wear parts, e.g. skin, inflatable, motors etc. (the warranty cover the mechanical parts, and electrical parts just if have manufacturing defects. Show Games will check every situation to value if the customer should pay all changes and works or if is in charge to Show Games). The warranty does not cover in case of vandalism, floods, acts of natural events, and everything that is not attributable to the construction of the machine. The warranty not included cost of transport and operators in any case.
. Delivery terms: the Show Games delivery times are normally 30/40 working days from the moment of the payment. In any case it depends on whether it is a standard model or customized model; each request is evaluated for each individual case, with the response to he Show Games and the moment of the request (for customized design and project the time of delivery it is decided in base of the project).
. Delivery times can also change if customer buy and make a order of more quantity: every order it is evaluated and studied for each individual case.
• Privacy: when the Customer/Collaborator/Reseller buy from us agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for product communications and new advertising https://www.showgames.com/mehcanicalbullhistory/privacypolicy-mechanicalbullride/ .
•The Customer/Collaborator/Reseller, before reselling a Show Games product, to Third Parties, agree totally at this point: Show Games Release the permission to sell a third parties only if: The Customer/Collaborator/Reseller it is regular with the annual test and maintenance with M.Art Technology/Show Games/ Erika Tessarolo and show at the new customer that all documentation are regular and in line with the respect of all conditions. All documents are valid only if they have : Signature and Stamp of Show Games Italy or M.Art Technology CEO Erika Tessarolo, to confirm the verified quality of the documents, and the Safety of the machine. If the machine is not followed by this document, civil and criminal responsibilities are in no way attributable to M. Art Technology/ Show Games Italy/ Erika Tessarolo and her family. The company actually supplies safe products, followed by Manual of the user certification and obligation and included just the first year of annual test valid from the date of the invoice for maximum 1 year.
•Only M.Art Techology/ Show Games/ Erika Tessarolo it is authorized to perform maintenance and testing on their machines, with Signature originally of the Owner/CEO Erika Tessarolo with its authorized engineers, no other company or person it is authorized.
•When the Customer/ Collaborator/ Reseller buys the game with the payment and the invoice, automatically agree to all clauses of purchase anyway if the Customer/Collaborator/Reseller don’t Sign this conditions .
All Show Games products are certified by expert Italian and USA engineers, present in the manual of the user. Show Games don’t share with unauthorized person, confidential documents, projects, design and more information about of the Show Games products. Show Games share just what is necessary to permit to use the machine in different country, the essential documents is part of the breakdown calculations, annual test, correct assembly, explanations, some usable components and accessories, conformity certifications, no other parts it is shared for protect the copyrights of the company., the customer is not authorized to transmit sensitive information, photos of the electronics mechanism and anything that can damage the production company secrets.
•The warranty does not include the transport and exit of the staff including traveling costs.
•Any production delay (delivery or production) is not attributable to Show Games for any reason whatsoever, the customer will wait for the arrival of the goods without being able in any way to claim on Show Games, even for manufacturing defects, the purchaser must pay the transport costs of the goods or the travel costs of the operators who have to carry out the repair.
•Show Games punish any company or person who commits an offense in front of Show Game.
The Customer/ Collaborator/ Reseller can’t open the machine/ product by himself, can’t disassembly or assembly, can’t make maintenance, can’t take a picture of the mechanical structure, electronically parts and share on web, public place or to third parties. This also applies for any of the customers who do not directly buy from Show Games. If doesn’t respect this, the customer will pay a damage to Erika Tessarolo of a penalty value which starts from € 1,000,000.00 to € 6,000,000.00 million each product sell without respecting the conditions. Only Show Games company can decide the amount of the penalty to be paid; the customer agrees to pay what Show Games would have decided. No authorities can oppose the decision by Show Games company; the decision is finalized and unquestionable.
All the machines/ products produced by Show Games have apply the trademark and these brands of the Show Games Company is a trade mark of origin and nobody can remove/ cover/ obscure etc..
• The production of the machine start only when we received the total payment or the 50% of the total payment, the delivery it is accepted only when the total payment it is received. (Show Games do not included the price of the transport on the price of the product except if the offer include the transport cost with an extra and reserved offer)
• The buyer/ customer by purchasing and using a Show Games product relieves Show Games / M.Art Technology/Show Games from any civil and criminal liability for incorrect use of the equipment, has the obligation to display regulation signs, have the Participant agreement of liability signed by each player, to carry out annual maintenance and testing only at the manufacturer, to ensure the safety of the machines and for those who use them. It has the obligation to ensure the attraction for a minimum value of civil liability equal to € 3 million per year.
•All this Conditions is imposed by Show Games for for all new and old customers, agents, consultants, distributors if want buy or represent Show Games on the world market. They are obliged to respect the confidentiality, company secret concerning design projects, and more of Show Games Company .
©® International Patent/Copyright all rights reserved by Show Games Invention LLC, Show Games Production di T.E, Show Games Invention di T.U, Show Games Italy srl
Conditions available in our web site www.showgames.com